Thursday, May 17, 2007
Lessons in Humility
I was doing a bit of reading on the OneVoice newsletter that I receive in my email. Today's devotional was by Dr. John Barnett and was titled Lessons in Humility. This was about pride and humility. Dr Barnett really held no punches and really let it all out there. I encourage you to check out the link to this article. Please let me know if it expires. Its a bit long, but its broken up well into segments. Some reviews and expands on versus in the bible, and most other parts are Dr Barnett's thoughts which really triggered a lot of my own thoughts. You think you are not full of pride? Seen through these views, its very apparent that Pride is leached into every sin. "The greatest plague on Earth...All conflicts and troubles have flowed downward from pride. The source of every gossip, every hurt feeling, every church division, every departed sheep is pride. At the heart of every fight is pride..." At you can view Dr Barnett and numerous other faith talk. There are articles, books, audio sermons and podcasts that you may subscribe to. Its made my ipod indispensable.